Below is a sample entity class and the corresponding entity xml file that was generated by JDev:
package model; public class Employee { private Long id; private Boolean active; private String firstName; private String lastName; public void setActive(Boolean active) { = active; } public Boolean isActive() { return active; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public Long getId() { return id; } public void setFirstName(String firstName) { this.firstName = firstName; } public String getFirstName() { return firstName; } public void setLastName(String lastName) { this.lastName = lastName; } public String getLastName() { return lastName; } }Generated xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <JavaBean xmlns="" version="" id="Employee" Package="model" BeanClass="model.Employee" isJavaBased="true"> <Attribute Name="id" Type="java.lang.Long"/> <Attribute Name="firstName" Type="java.lang.String"/> <Attribute Name="lastName" Type="java.lang.String"/> <MethodAccessor IsCollection="false" Type="void" id="setActive" ReturnNodeName="Return"> <ParameterInfo id="active" Type="java.lang.Boolean" isStructured="false"/> </MethodAccessor> <MethodAccessor IsCollection="false" Type="java.lang.Boolean" id="isActive" ReturnNodeName="Return"/> <ConstructorMethod IsCollection="true" Type="model.Employee" BeanClass="model.Employee" id="Employee"/> </JavaBean>Notice that isActive() is not part of the attributes.