Monday, June 21, 2010

Configuring a New Oracle SOA Domain on Oracle Enterprise Linux


With the current trend of having 64 bit as the new desktop standard, then you would most likely come into a situation where you have a hard time deciding what OS to buy that can support your software development tasks, while not being left behind. That OS selection decision is made simpler by the advent of Virtualization wherein you can have multiple OS on a single hardware machine.
In this series, I will share with you how I was able to set-up and run Oracle SOA Suite on my Windows 7 Professional 64 bit OS through Oracle VM VirtualBox.

This is Part V of the following series:
  1. Setting-up Oracle Enterprise Linux on Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.4
  2. Installing Java 1.6 on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  3. Installing Weblogic 10.3.3 on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  4. Installing Oracle SOA Suite on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  5. Configuring a New Oracle SOA Domain on Oracle Enterprise Linux


  1. Installed Oracle VM VirtualBox.
  2. Installed Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) on VirtualBox as described in the Part I of this series.
  3. Installed Java 1.6.0_20 on OEL as described in Part II of this series.
  4. Installed WebLogic 10.3.3 as described in Part III of this series.
  5. Installed Oracle SOA Suite as described in the Part IV of this series.
  6. You should have a valid database somewhere which is properly configured with the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).

Configuration Steps

Navigate to "MIDDLEWARE_HOME/Oracle_SOA1/common/bin" directory.
Right-click inside the directory and select "Open in Terminal".
Enter "./".
Select "Create a new WebLogic domain" and Next.
Check the appropriate products as shown in the screenshot.
Accept default domain name and directories.
Enter your password for weblogic.
Ensure that the Java 1.6 64 bit that we installed in the Part II of this series is available and selected in the list.
Select all the schema and provide the appropriate values for the following:
  • Service Name
  • Hostname
  • Password
  • Port


Running and Testing the Servers

Navigate to "MIDDLEWARE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin".
Right-click then select "Open in Terminal".
To start the Admin Server, enter "./". (Note: Case-sensitive)
To start the SOA Server, Click File>Open Tab to open a new terminal tab on the same directory.
Enter "./ soa_server1".
Enter username: "weblogic" and the password you entered in the steps above.
The SOA Server is already running when you see in the log "SOA Platform is running and accepting request".
If you are connected to a network then you can test logging-in to enterprise manager from a remote pc or from your host OS. But before so, we need to know the ip of our Oracle Enterprise Linux virtual machine.
To know the ip, in a terminal window, enter "/sbin ifconfig".
Get the ip information for use in the step below.
Open a new browser and enter "http://the_ip_above:7001/em"
Successfully log-in to enterprise manager from remote pc.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Installing Oracle SOA Suite on Oracle Enterprise Linux


With the current trend of having 64 bit as the new desktop standard, then you would most likely come into a situation where you have a hard time deciding what OS to buy that can support your software development tasks, while not being left behind. That OS selection decision is made simpler by the advent of Virtualization wherein you can have multiple OS on a single hardware machine.
In this series, I will share with you how I was able to set-up and run Oracle SOA Suite on my Windows 7 Professional 64 bit OS through Oracle VM VirtualBox.
This is Part IV of the following series:
  1. Setting-up Oracle Enterprise Linux on Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.4
  2. Installing Java 1.6 on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  3. Installing Weblogic 10.3.3 on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  4. Installing Oracle SOA Suite on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  5. Configuring a New Oracle SOA Domain on Oracle Enterprise Linux


  1. Installed Oracle VM VirtualBox.
  2. Installed Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) on VirtualBox as described in the Part I of this series.
  3. Installed Java 1.6.0_20 on OEL as described in Part II of this series.
  4. Installed WebLogic 10.3.3 as described in Part III of this series.

Enabling a regular user to enter "sudo" command

Login as a regular user(in my case "pino").
Open a new Terminal window.
Enter "su" to login as root.
Enter password for root.
Modify the sudoers file.
Enter "nano /etc/sudoers".
(Warning! Be careful in editing the sudoers file.)
(The sudoers file should be edited using the visudo command but since I am not so familiar with it, I used nano.)
Just after the line "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" add like "pino ALL=(ALL) ALL"
Save changes on exit.

Installation Steps for Oracle SOA 11g PS1

Put the unzip version of the Oracle SOA installer in the installer folder we created in the Part III of this series (in my case "/home/pino/installers").
Browse the Disk1 folder of the installer.
Right click inside the Disk1 directory and select "Open in Terminal".
Enter "./runInstaller -jreLoc $JAVA_HOME"
Accept default directory
A prompt appears. Leave the prompt at ease then open a new Terminal window from the menu- Applications>Accessories>Terminal.
Enter "sudo sh /home/pino/oraInventory/".
You should be able to read "The execution of the script is complete".
Go back to the prompt window and press "Ok"
Finish. We are done installing the Oracle SOA Patchset 1 but we need yet to upgrade to Patchset 2.

Installation Steps for Oracle SOA 11g PS2

Put the unzip version of Oracle SOA Patchset installer into the installer directory we created in Part III of this series.
Browse the Desk1 folder of the installer.
Right click and then select "Open in Terminal".
Enter "sh runInstaller -jreLoc $JAVA_HOME"
Ensure that selected Middleware Home is the same as the one we specified when we installed the Oracle SOA Patchset 1.
Finish. We are done upgrading to Patchset 2.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Installing Weblogic 10.3.3 on Oracle Enterprise Linux


With the current trend of having 64 bit as the new desktop standard, then you would most likely come into a situation where you have a hard time deciding what OS to buy that can support your software development tasks, while not being left behind. That OS selection decision is made simpler by the advent of Virtualization wherein you can have multiple OS on a single hardware machine.
In this series, I will share with you how I was able to set-up and run Oracle SOA Suite on my Windows 7 Professional 64 bit OS through Oracle VM VirtualBox.

This is Part III of the following series:
  1. Setting-up Oracle Enterprise Linux on Oracle VM VirtualBox 3.2.4
  2. Installing Java 1.6 on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  3. Installing Weblogic 10.3.3 on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  4. Installing Oracle SOA Suite on Oracle Enterprise Linux
  5. Configuring a new Oracle SOA Domain on Oracle Enterprise Linux


  1. Installed Oracle VM VirtualBox.
  2. Installed Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) on VirtualBox as described in the Part I of this series.
  3. Installed Java 1.6.0_20 on OEL as described in Part II of this series.
  4. Downloaded WebLogic 10.3.3 generic installer.

Installation Steps

Login as the user you created in Part I of this series. It is important that you are not login as root in doing these steps.
Create a new directory "installers" inside your home folder (the created directory in my case is "/home/pino/installers").
Put on this folder your weblogic 10.3.3 generic installer.
Right click, then Open in Terminal Window.
Enter "java -jar wls1033_generic.jar -mode=console".

(I used "console" mode because I am having a problem using the GUI mode- specifically in un-checking the "Receive Security Updates" option.)
Enter 3
Ensure that our installed Java 1.6 is selected. Next
Accept default installation directories. Next
Enter. Congratulations you are done!